Monday, September 3, 2012

My Life Phrases

I've gone through a lot of phrases in my little life! :) I think I'm going to start at 6th grade and go to where I am now!

6th Grade
Movie: High School Musical
Boys: Cooper B, Zac Efron

7th Grade
Movie: High School Musical 2
Boys: Tate B

8th Grade
Movie: Twilight, Charlie Brown
Book: Twilight's
Boys: Taylor Lautner
This was the year I realized that there were no boys in the real world for me. I found that I had this super weird bond with Charlie Brown

9th Grade
Movie: 17 again
Book: Still Twilight
Boy: Joe, Kaden, Hunter
I was a crazy freshmen. This is when I learned I was very good at stocking boys.

10th Grade
Book: I was over twilight (But I still went to the movies)
Boys:Kaden, Zac

11th Grade
Movie: The Notebook, Pretty Little Liars
Boys: Luke, then ZAC AGAIN

12th Grade
Movie: Hunger Games, The Lucky One, MEAN GIRLS, Vampire Dairies, Pretty Little Liars
Books: Hunger Games
Boys: Alex, Zac Paul

Now I'm find myself trying to be like the girls on PLL and wanting a man like from VD and wanting to be as cool as Katniss!

Confessions Of Lizzy Brown: Married to Jonas.. cutest reality tv show ever!